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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) is a premier journal for research relevant to the post-PC era. Computing technology is becoming increasingly pervasive, embedded throughout the environment as well as in mobile devices, wearables, and the Internet of Things. This is leading to a transformative change in the utility that technology can provide to users and societies, and how people relate to technology. 

IMWUT covers a broad range of topics relevant to this change, such as mobile systems, wearable technologies, and intelligent environments. The scope includes research contributions in systems and infrastructures, new hardware and sensing techniques, and studies of user experiences and societal impact. IMWUT also welcomes contributions on new methodologies and tools, theories and models, as well as visionary and survey papers that help advance the field.

The journal is published on a quarterly basis.